Tattletale 8 Baseboard
Legacy Product
This item is no longer in active production. We will be happy to discuss availability of any legacy product or incorporate specific design aspects into current products upon request.
(Tattletale is a registered trademark of Onset
Computer Corporation)
line of micropower datalogger/controllers from
Onset Computer Corporation is at the
heart of many of Brightwater's products. The Brightwaters Tattletale 8
Baseboard is an expansion board for Onset's most powerful datalogger, the
Model 8. The TT8 baseboard provides a number of hardware capabilities
useful in logging applications:
- Extended supply voltage range: 7.5 to 28 volts for systems using TT8
baseboard versus 7-15 volts for Model 8 alone. Especially useful for battery
operated systems.
- Watchdog circuit resets Tattletale in case of program crash or lockup.
- Manual reset button.
- Main and backup power inputs. Main power allows 1 to 3 sources (battery
packs, DC supplies, etc.) to power Tattletale and external hardware, backup
power input powers Tattletale only. Your program can use the supply voltage
measuring circuits (see below) to sense the main power failure and drop the
Tattletale to its lowest power mode. Under these circumstances a 9 volt
transistor battery as the backup power can preserve logged data for many
- Supply voltage measuring circuits for main and backup supplies with
switched resistor ladders - zero current draw when not measuring. The switching
circuit for the main supply voltage check can also be used to supply a small
amount of power (50 mA) to external device.
- Piezo buzzer and driver circuit. Buzzer has 90dB output and can be heard
clearly through a closed pressure case. Quieter buzzers are available for the
faint of heart :-)
- Termination resistors for digital I/O lines.
- Optional external A/D reference.
- Digital input multiplexer and output demultiplexer/latch expands existing
and buffers Tattletale digital I/O lines. Buffer chips are socketed - make a
mistake and you replace a $2 IC instead of sending a $400 Tattletale back for
- Lines brought to 40 pin header at end of board, allowing easy connection to
additional boards using 40 conductor ribbon cable and inexpensive insulation
displacement connectors.
- Baseboard is 6.5 x 2.5 inches (16.5 cm x 6.3 cm) in size, high quality
glass epoxy, two-sided, solder masked board with plated through holes. .
Tattletale 8 and baseboard sandwiched together fit into 3 inch PVC tube with
room to spare.
- Every effort has been made to make the additions robust and minimize power
consumption. Individual baseboard circuit blocks can be disabled to further
reduce power if needed.
The Tattletale 8 baseboard
is designed to help you get your application up and running quickly and
reliably, whether you need a single unit for a research application or OEM
quantities. Substantial discounts are available for large quantity purchases,
or we will be happy to discuss licensing all or part of the design.
For more information on this
product, contact Brightwaters.

Copyright ©, 2000 - 2012, Brightwaters
Instrument Corp.